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Transactions are all or nothing, meaning the entire transaction will succeed, or the entire transaction will fail. In the event the transaction fails, state of the database will be the same as if the transaction did not take place. You can also run transaction across multiple tables at once.

transactionGet(transactions, options?)


This function is used to get multiple items in a single transaction. It uses the TransactGetItems DynamoDB operation.


transactions: TransactionGet[] - Array of get operations generated with EntityManager.transactionGet(primaryKey, options?) method.

You can add optional options parameter that is an object. The table below represents options that you can pass in:

returnWhat the method should return. For 'default' method returns initialized classes with retrieved data. For 'input' method returns prepared DynamoDB input command and no request is made to DynamoDB (method no longer returns a promise). For 'output' method returns the bare output from DynamoDB operation.'default' | 'input' | 'output''default'
throwOnNotFoundBy default Dynamode will throw an error in case an item was not found. If you want to prevent throwing errors when items are not found set throwOnNotFound prop to false.booleantrue
extraInputExtra input that is passed to TransactGetItems DynamoDB operation. Use it only in case that you know what are you are doing as it may override other properties passed to DynamoDB operation.TransactGetItemsCommandInputundefined


const transactions = await transactionGet(
KeyValueManager.transactionGet({ key: 'key1' }),
UserManager.transactionGet({ partitionKey: '1', sortKey: 'blazej' }),
// OR
const transactions = await transactionGet(
KeyValueManager.transactionGet({ key: 'key1' }),
UserManager.transactionGet({ partitionKey: '1', sortKey: 'blazej' }),
return: 'default'


items: [
KeyValue {
dynamodeEntity: 'KeyValue',
key: 'key1',
value: [Object]
User {
dynamodeEntity: 'User',
partitionKey: '1',
sortKey: 'blazej',
username: 'blazej',
email: '',
age: 18,
friends: [Array],
config: [Object]
count: 2

transactionWrite(transactions, options?)


This function is used to insert/update/delete multiple items in a single transaction. It uses the TransactWriteItems DynamoDB operation.


transactions: TransactionWrite[] - Array of operations generated with methods that are described below:

EntityManager.transaction.put(item, options?)Insert an item to DynamoDB.
EntityManager.transaction.create(item, options?)Insert an item to DynamoDB (without overwrite).
EntityManager.transaction.update(primaryKey, props, options?)Update an item in DynamoDB.
EntityManager.transaction.delete(primaryKey, options?)Delete an item in DynamoDB.
EntityManager.transaction.condition(primaryKey, conditionInstance)Condition for the transaction.

You can add optional options parameter that is an object. The table below represents options that you can pass in:

returnWhat the method should return. For 'default' method returns inserted/updated/deleted classes. For 'input' method returns prepared DynamoDB input command and no request is made to DynamoDB (method no longer returns a promise). For 'output' method returns the bare output from DynamoDB operation.'default' | 'input' | 'output''default'
idempotencyKeyProviding a idempotencyKey makes the call idempotent, meaning that multiple identical calls have the same effect as one single call. It uses DynamoDB's ClientRequestToken.stringundefined
extraInputExtra input that is passed to TransactWriteItems DynamoDB operation. Use it only in case that you know what are you are doing as it may override other properties passed to DynamoDB operation.TransactWriteItemsCommandInputundefined


const transactions = await transactionWrite(
{ partitionKey: '1', sortKey: 'blazej' },
set: {
age: 18,
new KeyValue({
key: 'key2',
value: { test: 'test2' },
new KeyValue({
key: 'key3',
value: { test: 'test3' },
KeyValueManager.transaction.delete({ key: 'key4' }),
KeyValueManager.transaction.condition({ key: 'key5' }, KeyValueManager.condition().attribute('key').eq('key5')),
// OR
const transactions = await transactionWrite(
{ partitionKey: '1', sortKey: 'blazej' },
set: {
age: 18,
new KeyValue({
key: 'key2',
value: { test: 'test2' },
new KeyValue({
key: 'key3',
value: { test: 'test3' },
KeyValueManager.transaction.delete({ key: 'key4' }),
KeyValueManager.transaction.condition({ key: 'key5' }, KeyValueManager.condition().attribute('key').eq('key5')),
{ return: 'default' },


items: [
KeyValue {
dynamodeEntity: 'KeyValue',
key: 'key2',
value: [Object]
KeyValue {
dynamodeEntity: 'KeyValue',
key: 'key3',
value: [Object]
count: 2