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Table Manager

TableManager is used to perform operations on DynamoDB table. It also initializes Entity Managers that act as repositories for your models.

new TableManager(tableEntity, tableMetadata)

This constructor initializes TableManager class that acts as a repository that is used to perform operations on a DynamoDB table.


tableEntity - Table class that inherits from Entity class. It has to define all primary and secondary indexes defined on the DynamoDB table. To learn more check out Modeling page.

tableMetadata - Metadata that describes table name, primary key, secondary index keys and createdAt/updatedAt timestamps. Dynamode uses metadata in all underlying methods so be cautious when setting it up.

tableNameName of the table in DynamoDBstringN/A
partitionKeyName of the partition keystringN/A
sortKeyName of the sort keystringN/A
indexesObject that defines secondary indexes{ [indexName: string], {partitionKey?: string; sortKey?:string } }N/A
createdAtName of the createdAt timestampstringundefined
updatedAtName of the updatedAt timestampstringundefined


AllPossibleProperties model is defined here. To initialize its table manager, use TableManager constructor.

import TableManager from 'dynamode/table';

const AllPossiblePropertiesTableManager = new TableManager(AllPossibleProperties, {
tableName: TABLE_NAME,
partitionKey: 'partitionKey',
sortKey: 'sortKey',
indexes: {
partitionKey: 'GSI_1_PK',
sortKey: 'GSI_1_SK',
sortKey: 'LSI_1_SK',
createdAt: 'createdAt',
updatedAt: 'updatedAt',


This method initializes EntityManager class that acts as a repository that is used to perform operations on a given model. To learn more check out Entity Manager page.


You can add optional entity parameter which is a model that inherits from tableEntity class.

entityEntityEntity class that inherits from tableEntitytableEntity (argument passed in TableManager constructor)


BaseTable is an example class that extends Entity.

import TableManager from 'dynamode/table';

const BaseTableManager = new TableManager(...);

// BaseTable entity manager
const BaseTableEntityManager = BaseTableManager.entityManager();

// EntityOne entity manager
const EntityOneManager = BaseTableManager.entityManager(EntityOne);

// EntityTwo entity manager
const EntityTwoManager = BaseTableManager.entityManager(EntityTwo);

// EntityThree entity manager
const EntityThreeManager = BaseTableManager.entityManager(EntityThree);



This method is used to create a new DynamoDB table. It uses the CreateTable DynamoDB operation.


You can add optional options parameter that is an object. The table below represents options that you can pass in:

returnWhat the method should return. For 'default', method returns TableData. For 'input', method returns CreateTableCommandInput and no request is made to DynamoDB. For 'output', method returns the output from the CreateTable DynamoDB operation.'default' | 'input' | 'output''default'
extraInputExtra input that is sent to CreateTable DynamoDB operation. Use only if you know what you are doing, as it may override other standard properties.CreateTableCommandInputundefined
throughputProvisioned throughput settings for the table. Defines the number of read and write capacity units.{ read: number; write: number }undefined
tagsMetadata to assign to the table.Record<string, string>undefined
deletionProtectionProtection from deletion. If this is enabled, the table cannot be deleted.booleanfalse


const table = await TableManager.createTable({
throughput: { read: 5, write: 5 }
const table = await TableManager.createTable({
throughput: { read: 5, write: 5 },
return: 'default'


TableData {
tableName: 'users',
tableStatus: 'ACTIVE',
creationDateTime: '2021-08-23T10:00:00Z',
provisionedThroughput: { ReadCapacityUnits: 5, WriteCapacityUnits: 5 },
tableSizeBytes: 0,
itemCount: 0,
tableArn: 'arn:aws:dynamodb:us-west-2:1234567890:table/users',
tableId: 'abcde12345',
billingModeSummary: { BillingMode: 'PROVISIONED' }

TableManager.deleteTable(tableName, options?)


This method deletes a DynamoDB table. It uses the DeleteTable DynamoDB operation.


tableName: string - The name of the table to delete.

You can add optional options parameter that is an object. The table below represents options that you can pass in:

returnWhat the method should return. For 'default', method returns TableData. For 'input', method returns DeleteTableCommandInput and no request is made to DynamoDB (method no longer returns a promise). For 'output', method returns the output from the DeleteTable DynamoDB operation.'default' | 'input' | 'output''default'
extraInputExtra input that is sent to CreateTable DynamoDB operation. Use only if you know what you are doing, as it may override other standard properties.DeleteTableCommandInputundefined


const deletedTable = await TableManager.deleteTable('users');
const deletedTable = await TableManager.deleteTable('users', { return: "default" });


TableData {
tableName: 'users',
tableStatus: 'DELETING',

TableManager.createTableIndex(indexName, options?)


This method creates a new secondary index in a DynamoDB table. It uses the UpdateTable DynamoDB operation.


indexName: string - The name of the global secondary index to create.

You can add optional options parameter that is an object. The table below represents options that you can pass in:

returnWhat the method should return. For 'default', it returns TableData. For 'input', it returns UpdateTableCommandInput and no request is made to DynamoDB (method no longer returns a promise). For 'output', it returns the output from the UpdateTable DynamoDB operation.'default' | 'input' | 'output''default'
extraInputExtra input that is sent to UpdateTable DynamoDB operation. Use only in case that you know what you are doing as it may override other properties passed to DynamoDB operation.UpdateTableCommandInputundefined
throughputProvisioned throughput settings for the table index. Defines the number of read and write capacity units.{ read: number; write: number }undefined


const table = await TableManager.createTableIndex('MyIndex', {
throughput: { read: 5, write: 5 }
const table = await TableManager.createTableIndex('MyIndex', {
throughput: { read: 5, write: 5 }
return: 'default'


TableData {
tableName: 'users',
tableStatus: 'UPDATING',

TableManager.deleteTableIndex(indexName, options?)


This method deletes an existing global secondary index in a DynamoDB table. It uses the UpdateTable DynamoDB operation.


indexName: string - The name of the table global secondary index to delete.

You can add optional options parameter that is an object. The table below represents options that you can pass in:

returnWhat the method should return. For 'default', it returns TableData. For 'input', it returns UpdateTableCommandInput and no request is made to DynamoDB (method no longer returns a promise). For 'output', it returns the output from the UpdateTable DynamoDB operation.'default' | 'input' | 'output''default'
extraInputExtra input that is sent to UpdateTable DynamoDB operation. Use only in case that you know what you are doing as it may override other properties passed to DynamoDB operation.UpdateTableCommandInputundefined


const table = await TableManager.deleteTableIndex('MyIndex');
const table = await TableManager.deleteTableIndex('MyIndex', { return: 'default' });


TableData {
tableName: 'users',
tableStatus: 'UPDATING',



This method validates the structure of a DynamoDB table against a known table structure. It uses the DescribeTable DynamoDB operation to retrieve the current table's structure and validates it with Dynamode table metadata.


You can add an optional options parameter that is an object. The table below represents options that you can pass in:

returnWhat the method should return. For 'default', it returns TableData. For 'input', it returns DescribeTableCommandInput and no request is made to DynamoDB (method no longer returns a promise). For 'output', it returns the output from the DescribeTable DynamoDB operation.'default' | 'input' | 'output''default'
extraInputExtra input that is sent to DescribeTable DynamoDB operation. Use only in case that you know what you are doing as it may override other properties passed to DynamoDB operation.DescribeTableCommandInputundefined


const tableData = await TableManager.validateTable();
const tableData = await TableManager.validateTable({ return: 'default' });


TableData {
tableName: 'users',
tableStatus: 'ACTIVE',
creationDateTime: '2021-08-23T10:00:00Z',
provisionedThroughput: { ReadCapacityUnits: 5, WriteCapacityUnits: 5 },
tableSizeBytes: 0,
itemCount: 0,
tableArn: 'arn:aws:dynamodb:us-west-2:1234567890:table/users',
tableId: 'abcde12345',
billingModeSummary: { BillingMode: 'PROVISIONED' }