Dynamode - DynamoDB Modeling Tool
An intuitive ORM for Amazon's DynamoDB with full TypeScript Support and Validation
View DocsDynamoDB easier than ever before
Complexity reduced from tens to just a few classes and methods. Check out the Documentation and try it out today.
It is all about Typescript
Designed with typescript in mind from the beginning. It includes strongly typed classes and methods, query and scan builders, and much more.
Object-oriented solution
Dynamode's goal is to provide a better development experience while using DynamoDB. That's why we choose class-based approach to model your application data.
Understandable overlay over DynamoDB
Dynamode isn't a black box. It overlays all crucial DynamoDB functions and gives it a little touch that makes using Dynamode more pleasant.
Easier. Better. Faster.
Learn how to quickly get up and running with Dynamode. Go to Getting started page to see how you can run it locally along with local DynamoDB instance.
Bare DynamoDB
const response = await DynamoDB.getItem({
TableName: 'users',
Key: {
PK: { S: 'blazej' },
SK: { S: 'nwjła7pa31e2' },
ProjectionExpression: 'username, #object'
ExpressionAttributeNames: { '#object': 'object' },
const user = response?.Item; // can be undefined
with Dynamode
const user = await UserManager.get({
PK: 'blazej',
SK: 'nwjła7pa31e2',
}, { attributes: ['object', 'username'] });